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"Fly fishing isn't just a sport - it's a state of mind!!"

Check out earlier issues of Pol 32 mag

September 9, 2010

The autumn Sea trout season has begun in Denmark.

Finally the wind has turned to a more southern direction, and that means the north shore of Sjælland is opening up for sea trout fishing, and right now all the factors are right, water temperature, length of the day etc. - But the best time is the sunset. The magical hour as we call it.
Here is a little photo essay from this week. My friend Svend caught some really strong and healthy sea trout the first morning. For two days we had absolutely tremendous fishing with fish following our fly's nearly every cast, and we were spotting them "head & tail" constantly - Pure Pürch fishing - it doesn't come any better.

I lost two really nice fish (guess I'm a bit rusty) but caught 16 in about 1 hour the second day - then it was all over again and they were gone - typically sea trout fishing, you have to be at the right place, at the right time!!.
Saturday it looks perfect again, but you have to be there at least half an hour before the sun shows.

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